Saturday, April 28, 2012

How to report the news.

There should be an award given for this piece of reporting.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

KiCad has requirements before having a pick and place output file.

In order to export pad position in Kicad, you supposedly use the export footprint locations to the "modules position file". There is a catch. I exported my modules and the file was empty! I figured out later that one needs to include the "Normal+Insert" option in the KiCad libraries files. I had to go back later and edit every single one by hand on my board, but it was faster than redoing the board.

So, if you find that your module file is empty, edit the part to include "normal+insert", and retry the manufacturing export for pick 'n place and see if it helps you.

(PS: notice the "attributs" tag, hehe.)