Consider the following three entries:
4733.082 [7] AppleUSBOHCI[0x425d800]::ControlPacketHandler(0:0): still more to come: todo=0x40 4733.098 [7] IOUSBControllerV3(AppleUSBOHCI)[0x425d800]::RootHubTimerFired - PolicyMaker[0x45be400] powerState[4] _powerStateChangingTo[-1] 4736.585 [7] IOUSBHIDDriver[0x474a800]::powerChangeDone from state (4) to state (4) _device name(Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad)I wanted to remove anything that had "PolicyMaker" or "Trackpad", along with the timestamp. This resulted in the following script:
#!/bin/sh #sui's script to clean out MacOS USB prober information #change this list to include more filters removelist="PolicyMaker Trackpad" #function that looks for things in the last function listcontains() { line=$2 a_list=( $1 ) #echo ${#a_list[@]} a_length=${#a_list[@]}; for (( i = 0; i < $a_length; ++i )) do a_word=${a_list[$i]} if [[ $2 == *"$a_word"* ]] then return 0 fi done return 1 } #remove the old file if it exists rm -f $2 # the main loop cat $1 | while read line; do if listcontains "$removelist" "$line"; then #echo Y; HOLDER=1 else echo ${line#*.*' '} >> $2 #echo N; #echo "" fi doneRunning the script on a file with the lines from the top of the page, I will get a filtered output of:
[7] AppleUSBOHCI[0x425d800]::ControlPacketHandler(0:0): still more to come: todo=0x40So, no timestamp, no trackpad and no hub information! :)
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