Monday, February 4, 2013

Language unite disparate groups.

Language unites people.
This is why the Japanese forced the Tokyo dialect on everyone.
This is why the communist Chinese forced Mandarin on everyone. (even if Mandarin is not Han)
The American's force nothing upon anyone linguistically. I speak English, and I am fine in the USA as long as the person who wants to interact with me speaks English. I have found that I do not like black English, because it is expected that I understand it. I do not understand it, so I did some research into it. Formally, called African American Vernacular English, I strongly question the value of the study or use of this type of speech as a language unless it is also spoken concurrently with proper English. "Proper", of couse, is relative; however, my interactions with AAVE have been based around harassing the listener, and I do not feel that I need to accommodate those who chose to force something upon me. I would much rather try to hash it out with someone in Spanish.

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