Monday, November 7, 2011

I passed the 2nd amendment test, and the US citizenship test.

I got 11/12 on this 2nd amendment issue test. This made me read the Japanese Constitution and American one. The EU constitution was too daunting, at 1800 pages.
The Japanese and American documents have their strength in that one can read the documents. I am very much against complexity in general, and I am opposed to large government very much for that reason, but Article 26 of the Japanese document is good for society.

Here is the quote:
第26条 すべて国民は、法律の定めるところにより、その能力に応じて、ひとしく教育を受ける権利を有する。
2 すべて国民は、法律の定めるところにより、その保護する子女に普通教育を受けさせる義務を負ふ。義務教育は、これを無償とする。

I am not sure of the history of this article:
23条 学問の自由は、これを保障する。
...but I guess that is required when you do not have freedom of speech.

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